
A project of this size requires a strong goal-oriented and solid team prepared for the challenge with skills in different areas.

Our Core Team has been dedicated to developing the concept and ecosystem since May 2021.

Cuffies is a global brand with roots in every continent from start and will continue to expand the team as the project grows.

Duarte Baltazar - Founder

Startup and crypto enthusiast. Founder of Cuffies. Management and Economics degrees. Based in Lisbon, Portugal.

David Caldeira - Co-Founder

Electrotechnical Engineer with experience in strategic management. Based in Lisbon, Portugal.

Marco Failache - Tech Development

Telecommunication Engineer and Blockchain Developer. Based in Portugal.

Slavko - Operations

Operational Manager with more than 20 years of experience managing operations in the private sector and on the US Government. Based in United States.

Daniel - Financials

Economist and Debt Researcher. Financial Lead at Cuffies. Crypto analyst. Based in Brazil.

Lucas Philipovsky

Master Chemical Engineer. Also a Designer with marketing experience. Based in Brazil.

Mann - Digital Marketing

Digital Marketing Specialist and Website Developer. With 4 years of experience managing websites marketing and SEO.

Rob - Strategy

Master in Computer Science and Finances. Worked as a Microsoft cyber-security consultant and also has experience with digital marketing and advisory.

Last updated